Top 10k strings from Sinclair User - Issue 120 - Great Eight 09 - Tips Amazing (1992)(Sinclair User).tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Covertapes - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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2 (ADDR2/256 2 (ADDR1/256 1 |2Re-run the program|2Return to Main Menu|2Exit to NEW|0- 1 |0|0Copyright 1 packer 1 Tips.Amaz. 1 This Is A 48k Program 1 SELECT=9010 1 S$="0004,0005,0006,0007,0008,0009,0010,0011,0012,0013,0014,0015,0016,0017,0018,0019,0020,0021,0022": 1 B$="HELLO TO THE BIG SCROLLER . . HELLO TO G.MASON HELLO TO WAYNE WINGATE HELLO TO NEIL SCOTT HELLO TO RICK O'NEILL HELLO TO TOM REILLY HELLO TO GARTHY HELLO TO JON NORTH (SORT IT OUT) AND A BIG HELLO AND WELCOME BACK TO CRASH . . "+ 1 ADDR2=56000 1 ADDR2+(T-1 1 ADDR1=55000 1 ADDR1+(T-1 1 A$=A$+" cracking Terminator 2 . . It was a difficult one as there was no lives counter and the energy routine changed every level . . If you've played T2 it's most difficult . . I'm not very good at it and can't get off the second level . . Well it's time to go and write the tips and the big scroller . . UNTIL NEXT MONTH . . . . . "+ 1 A$="HELLO EVERYONE . . I hope that you had a good Chrimbie (I'm writing this on the 11th December) and that you got everything that you wanted . . Well as you may of noticed there is now a double scroller . . this helps me out a lot as I can put a lot more in the scroller . . Now a quick word about Jon North . . I have tried most of your POKES but none of them seem to work . . even in 48 and 128 they either crash or doesn't load the game . . CONGRATS to Graham Mason for" 1 ;"TIPS AMAZING" 1 ;"SEE, IT HASN'T CRASHED": 1 ;"PRESS SPACE"; 1 ;"LEIGH THOMPSON" 1 ;"HERE WE GO AGAIN" 1 ;"FOR THE MENU": 1 128.+2.+3 Machines Use 48k Mode 1 12112701Rick's Expanding Menus|0|0Code and design by|0Rick O'Neill|0|0Copyright 1 11211411World Cricket|0|0The most annoying thing on this game|0is the bat you use to select the|0options. The top of it has to touch|0the option so be warned.|0|1Press ENTER 1 11211411Top Cat|0|0You need a key to collect the|0bucket in the red door by the stairs|0|0(Short and sweet)|0|1Press ENTER 1 11211411The Simpsons|0|0Don't be scared to try things out.|0Climb on the telephone lines and|0walk along. The washing will fall|0and cover the objects on the|0lawn. Large things take about 1 or 2|0sprays but small things take more.|0|1MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Terminator 2 (Hasta La Vista Baby)|0|0Level 1|0The best move is the kick, this|0reaches further and you can kick|0the s%#t out of the T1000. For more|0points use the small kick. Watch out|0for his head butt and his stabbing|0weapons.|0|1LEVEL 2 NEXT MONTH (IF I FINISH IT)|0Press ENTER 1 11211411Swiv|0|0Auto fire isn't the best thing|0as you still have to press the|0fire button. Always try to get|0things as soon as they come on the|0screen as some of them come back|0after a little while.|0|1MORE EXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Super Space Invaders|0|0This game is best played in black|0and white as the colours are really|0bad. Sometimes the bullets can|0just hit your side and you won't|0die. If you use a continue then you|0start at that level again.|0|1MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Spike In Transylvania|0|0Pick up the gloves and the doorknob.|0Go to the door and it will open. Go|0through and walk L, avoiding the|0poisoned apple on the floor. Go|0through door, pick up the bag of|0gold. Exit L, take food, push cannon|0towards boulder And exit building.|0R (x5). Carry on right and change|0object to bag of gold. Give it to|0the guard, go R twice, put switch|0in down position and continue R.|0|1MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Rodland|0|0Always remember that you can build|0ladders to get to the places you|0can't reach. Just press FIRE and UP.|0Watch out for the sharks as they|0spit water which kills you|0straight away. The missiles go|0off in the direction that you are|0facing. This can be used to destroy|0the enemies.|0|1Press ENTER 1 11211411Robozone|0|0Most gaps you can fall down|0but it's best to keep going right|0until you hit a deadend. When you|0go back there should be things to|0pick up. Always keep shooting. Drops|0of acid falling from the ceiling|0lose you energy.|0|1MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Pro Mountain Bike|0|0Use gears 1 to 11 to climb up the|0hills. Always carry the bike across|0the logs. To get through the water|0use gears 1 and 2, the same with|0the sinking sand.|0|1Press ENTER 1 11211411Mountain Bike|0|0Never do wheelies over rocks,|0as you always stack it. Grass slows|0you down so do wheelies over|0it. Try to remember where everything|0is so you know what to do next.|0|1MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Moonwalker|0|0Most of the enemies can be|0outrun, just press FIRE to ru faster.|0Sometimes you can run around the|0scenery and they will follow you but|0you can quickly leg it and run off.|0|1Press - ENTER 1 11211411Lemmings|0|0Level 1|0|0Press 4 to select a floater.|0Leave the cursor on the second|0pillar and press on the lemmings|0as they pass.|0|0Level 2|0|0Press 8 to select bashers.|0Lock onto the first lemming by|0pressing N. When get near the walls|0press M to bash through.|0|1MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Kick Off 2|0|0Always pass the ball around as|0the screen scrolls too fast and|0you don't know whats coming on|0next. Always shoot before you get into|0the goalies area. You can usually|0catch up with the opposition with|0the ball and tackle him.|0|1Press ENTER 1 11211411Hudson Hawk|0|0To get in the top window move the|0first box and put it on the lift.|0Get on the lift and press UP. Move|0the box right and leave it on the|0edge. Get the other box and move it|0just under the other box. Go back|0up the lift and push the first box onto|0the top of the second box. They should|0now be stacked. Move both boxs so they|0are just under the window.|0|1MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Exterminator|0|0Most things can be shot at but always|0crush the tanks as soon as you can.|0Get the stick like thing for |0extra energy. On some level the one|0to win first gets onto a bonus stage.|0|1MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411Chevy Chase|0|0Try not crash too many times.|0Too many and you will run out of|0time. You don't always have to slow|0down for all of the corners,|0if you do change down gear then|0quickly change up.|0|1MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 11211411CJ In The USA|0|0Always try to kill the enemies, if|0they kill you first kill them whilst|0you'll flashing (oo-er).|0You have to collect the other elephants|0|1MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 07807711The Menu - Go For It Man!!|0|2The Simpsons|2Terminator 2|2Mountain Bike (Codies)|2Hudson Hawk|2Chevy Chase|2Super Space invaders|2Robozone|2Lemmings|2Pro Mountain Bike (Alternative)|2Top Cat|2CJ In The USA|2Spike In Transylvania|2Exterminator|2Swiv|2Moonwalker|2Kick Off 2|2Rodland|2World Cricket|2++ Multiface Hacks ++|2** NEXT MENU ** 1 07807711The Final|1Menu|0|0Select:-|0- 1 07807711++ MULTIFACE HACKS ++|0|0CJ's Antics - 45875,33; Lives|0Wizards Lair - 52056,0; Energy|0UN Squadron - 29264,201; Immortal|0|1MORE NEXT MONTH - Press ENTER 1 05805611Leigh's Aye Carumba Shout|0|0Basic and Design by|0Leigh Thompson|0Scroller Code by Mark Turner|0|0Copyright 1 ,ADDR2-256 1 ,ADDR1-256 1 PLEASE WAIT A MO!! 1 1991|0Pointy Stick Productions|0|0|1Press ENTER to continue 1 1991|0Leigh Thompson|0Sinclair User|0Mark Turner|0|0Use UP and DOWN cursors to select|0with ENTER to choose.|0|1Press ENTER to continue 1 1991|0Leigh Thompson